LP-5, Akhisar, Turkey
NATO II, Turkey’s Launch Position Locations
Left-click map to enlarge, Right-click map to shrink. Click “View Larger Map” to open in a separate browser. LP Location is triangle -shaped area with concrete launch pads intact.
LP-3, Aliağa, Turkey
LP-4, Manisa, Turkey
LP-2, Gölmarmara, Turkey
LP-1, Foça, Turkey
Çigli AFB Training Site
Made with Xara
NATO II, Turkey’s Launch Position Locations
LP-1, Foça, Turkey
LP-2, Gölmarmara, Turkey
LP-3, Aliağa, Turkey
LP-4, Manisa, Turkey
LP-5, Akhisar, Turkey
Çigli AFB Training Site
Left-click map to enlarge, right-click map to shrink. Click “View larger map” to open in a separate browser. LP locations are triangle-shaped areas, most having concrete launch pads intact.