HISTORY - Page 61
deployment date was rapidly approaching. Added to
this, the mobility concept was deleted in 19 November
. Some of the tension was relaxed, however, for
by that time it was realized that the necessary
agreements would not be signed in time for the
December employment. This afforded an opportunity
for equipment refinement and matching and mating
work. On the other hand, this stretch-out indicated
that measures would have to be taken to adequately
store missiles and equipment until the agreement was
Mention has been made of the fact that ABMA
technical experts considered JUPITER GSE to be one
year behind. In some respects, the problem was not as
adverse as this connotes. For example, from the outset
of the program, ABMA made a concerted effort to
fabricate its R&D GSE in a design that would be
suitable for tactical employment. This pattern held
true with the launcher, transport equipment, and
other JUPITER peculiar GSE components. With the in-
house design and fabrication, necessary changes
manifested during the R&D firing program could be
integrated with ease, and each change moved the
equipment nearer to the tactical configuration. During
this systematic hardware buildup, it was also possible
to design suitable checkout gear. Perhaps one of the
most important assets during the GSE buildup phase
was the on-hand experience in other large ballistic
missile programs. Drawing on this experience,
equipment was simplified. In this way, complex and
expensive hydraulic erection was rejected for the
better lightweight mode; a ring- type launcher was
used rather than the more complicated fall-away leg
type; and an inexpensive one-time use cryogenic
cooler was selected over an expensive electric cooler
for use in the countdown phase
(80) JUP Mo Prog Rpts throughout 1958 constantly list late deliveries by the contractors. See
Appendix 6 for the contractor break-out structure for fabrication in the development of the
JUPITER missile system.
(81) Spec Rpt on JUP GSE for Holaday Ad Hoc Committee, 3 Oct 57, Hist Off files. .