During the Cold War years of 1960-1962 the United States, in cooperation with
its Italian and Turkish NATO allies, installed Jupiter nuclear missile sites in Italy
and Turkey as front-line protections for Italy, Turkey, Europe and the United
States against Russia's ever-increasing belligerence throughout the world.
Russia likewise then installed nuclear missile countermeasures in Cuba. It was
the discovery of Russia's missiles in Cuba by a United States U-2
reconnaissance aircraft flyover that precipitated the ensuing missile crisis of October, 1962 between the
United States, Russia, and Cuba which brought these countries to the brink of nuclear war.
This historical presentation of Redstone Arsenal's development of the
Redstone missile and its progeny, the Jupiter SM-78 weapon system
under Wernher von Braun's direction, of Chrysler Corporation Missile
Division's Installation and Checkout Teams (I&C Teams) including I&C
Team II’s installation and verification activities in Turkey during the
year years 1961-1962, is that as seen from the perspective of George L.
Smith, then a 19-year old member of the team.
Last updated: 02/15/2018 10:52
File: Jupiter-SM78-Vs9-20180121