HISTORY - Page 80
mentioned that the emplacements would be located
on "the periphery of the Sino-Soviet Bloc," but stated
there would be much effort involved in effecting the
bilateral agreement with host countries
. In June of
1958, Air Force representatives were discussing
possible deployment with French NATO personnel
but France did not become a participant in the JUPITER
By July 1958, the successful deployment of the missile
during the year appeared rather unlikely. ABMA had
estimated that an initial site selection had to be made
by 25 July in order to gain a partial deployment of the
first squadron. This date was based on the fact that
the contractor needed 215 days to set up the LOX, RIM,
munition, and six emplacement areas. Each day
beyond the decision cutoff resulted in a corresponding
day of slippage
. As it turned out, slippage became
the rule rather than the exception, for it was long past
25 July 1958 before the necessary agreements were
In view of the protracted delays, a question of
manning the squadrons arose in September.
Conferences with the proposed host country—Italy--
revealed a desire that eventually manning would be
completely from the allied nation. Thus, tentative
plans indicated USAF manning for the first squadron
and NATO manning for the second and subsequent
. Later, in November, USAF questioned the
advisability of the manning plan unless the
agreements were signed by 10 December. To gain the
early operational
116. SACOP 1-58, 4 Mar 58, subj: SM-78 (JUP) Opnl Plan, Hist Off files.
117. Hist, ABMA, Jan-Jun 58, p. 79, Hist Off files.
118. JUP Prog Rpt for Jul 58, 8 Aug 58, Hist Off files.
119. JUP Prog Rpt for Sep 58, 8 Oct 58, Hist Off files.