HISTORY - Page 11
Ballistic Missile Agency would play. It also gave
indications that the commanding general of this
organization would be delegated special authority,
covering funding, development, and procurement
actions, to execute the program under a compressed
time frame, even to requiring assistance from Army
organizations outside his immediate command
Ways and means for conducting an IRBM
development program were available, but one major
question remained to be answered. This pertained to
the employment of the missile when it had attained
an operational capability. Simply stated, who was
going to fire the missile—Army or Air Force? For years
now the Army commanders had been envisioning a
battlefield of considerable depth, which manifested
the necessity for a long-range missile. Secretary
Brucker defended this need before the National
Security Council on 1 November, and pressed for a
decision favorable to Army. The next day, the JCS
indicated to Secretary Wilson there was an urgent
requirement for IRBM development, but they could
not agree as to the service to which it should be
assigned. On the 8th the DOD decision was rendered,
and an Army development program was given the
"green light
Secretary Wilson's decision covered the long-range
ballistic missile program, which included two ICBM's
and two IRBM's. All were to be afforded the highest
national priority, with a qualifying stipulation that
the IRBM's were not to interfere with ICBM
development. The Army, in cooperation with the
Navy, was to develop IRBM Nr 2 to achieve an early
land-and-sea-based capability. To direct the program
from the top
15. Hist, ABMA, 1 Feb-30 Jun 56, pp. 89-90; Hist Monograph Nr 3, subj: Spec Powers Delegated to the CG of the ABMA,
1 Feb 56-31 Mar 58, Feb 61, Hist Off files.
16. ABMA Ref Book, Part I, JUP, Tab A-4; Memo, JCS to S/D, subj: Definition of Mil Rqmts of the Mil Svcs for the IRBM, cited
in AOMC Ball Msl Ref Book, JUPITER Chronology; Memo, S/D to S/A & S/N, 8 Nov 55, subj: Mgmt of the IRBM Nr 2 Dev
Prog, Hist Off files; House Rpt 1121, op. cit., p. 102.