HISTORY - Page 12
level, a Joint Army-Navy Ballistic Missile Committee (JANBMC) was established, with the Secretary of Navy
serving as Chairman and the Secretary of Army as vice chairman. They, in turn, reported to the Ballistic
Missiles Committee, which the Secretary of Defense established in his own office (OSD/BMC). Secretary
Brucker and General Maxwell D. Taylor, Army Chief of Staff, relayed the word to all Army elements that the
IRBM Nr 2 program was to carry top priority in the Army
Once the decision had been made, reaction was quick. In this respect, Maj. Gen. John B.
Medaris was made Commanding General designee of the to-be-formed ABMA on 22
November 1955. Exactly one month later, the general orders were published activating
ABMA, with an effective date of 1 February 1956, as a Class II activity under the Chief of
Ordnance. The fruition of Army proposals had come about, although from a different tack than had been
earlier intended. Rather than being a partner with the Air Force for the development of a land-based
IRBM, the Army team and now been assigned the responsibility of developing an IRBM that was responsive
to land and sea requirements
The DOD charge to develop IRBM Nr 2 to meet land-and-sea-based requirements at the earliest possible
date posed, in many ways, a number of problems. To be specific, these were men, materiel, and
17. Memo, S/D to S/A & S/N, 8 Nov 55, subj: Mgmt of IRBM Nr 2 Dev Pro; Memo S/A to C/S, Army, 16 Nov 55, subj: Prosecution of the Intermediate Range Surface-to-Surface Msl Pro; Memo, Army C/S to Army Staff, 18 Nov 55, subj: Prosecutio
of the Intermediate Range Surface-to-Surface Msl Pro;, all in Hist Off files. 18. DA SO 227, Section 8, 22 Nov 55; DA GO 68, 22 Dec 55. Also see Appendix 1 for a chronological listing of significant events in the JUPITER program.
18. DA SO 227, Section 8, 22 Nov 55; DA GO 68, 22 Dec 55. Also see Appendix 1 for a chronological listing of significant events in the JUPITER program.