HISTORY - Page 14
Redstone sought and received permission from the
Fifth Civil Service Region, to start a nation-wide
publicity and recruiting campaign. ABMA continued
this program after it became an independent agency.
The initial goal was to fill 2,349 positions, including
GMDD incumbents and hew hires
Several pitfalls were met as skilled employees were
needed by the new missile development agency;
Redstone Arsenal had to maintain its forces; and
industry, which was on the threshold of a heavy
missile production program, had a requirement to
recruit highly technical personnel. Also, the Air Force
and its prime contractors were similarly affected. This
created a highly competitive atmosphere, and one
given to proselyting, since the qualified manpower
source was quite scant. So recruiting ground rules, as
effective as possible, were drafted. Despite the
obstacles, ABMA recruitment was relatively
successful, for, by 30 June 1956, against an
authorization of 3,301 civilian positions, 2,702 had
been filled and a number of others had been
committed. Additionally, 513 military personnel were
on duty, as compared with 535 authorized
Facilities, Private Housing
In a sense, during its early years of operation, ABMA
had a direct and indirect facilities problem; one
related to the task of constructing facilities
associated with the development program, the other
to private housing for its employees. With respect to
housing, Huntsville, Alabama, a comparatively small
town of
19. Hist, ABMA, 1 Feb-30 Jun 56, Chap VIII, Hist Off files.
20. Ibid.; Memo, Dep Cmdr, ABMA to all Staff & Div Chfs, 14 Feb 56, subj: Recruiting & Employment by ABMA; Ltr, RSA to
ABMA, 9 Apr 56, subj: Recruitment for Staff and Divs of ABMA; Ltr, ABMA to 0C0 & DA, 14 Aug 56, subj: Competition
with Govt Contractors for Key Professional & Managerial Pers; Ltr, Ramo-Woolridge Corp to Maj Gen B. A. Schriever, with
cc to Maj Gen J. B. Medaris, 30 Apr 56, subj: Ramo-Woolridge Procedure When a RSA Employee Applies to Us, all in
Hist Off files. See Appendix 2 for semiannual strength totals during peak years of JUPITER development.