HISTORY - Page 31
were completed and if the development work showed
promise, OSD-BMC wanted a full-scale review before a
missile development program was initiated
As the Navy progressed in its solid propellant study,
they became more and more removed from adapting
the JUPITER to shipboard application, for a shorter
missile was their desire. This meant a separate
weapon system development, so in cooperation with
the Lockheed Missile Division, a study was started
toward such aims. One of the critical factors to be
considered in making the decision, from the
standpoint of DOT and the President, was whether or
not a 1 1/2 year delay for the operational date could
be accepted
Secretary Wilson's decision on the course of Navy
IRBM development was made on 8 December 1956. At
that time the Navy was authorized to delete from its
program the liquid-propelled JUPITER, and to proceed
with the development of the POLARIS IRBM with
submarine application as first priority. This action, of
course, prompted the dissolution of the JANBMC and
the formation of the Army Ballistic Missile Committee
(ABMC) with the Secretary of Army serving as
Withdrawal by the Navy from the Army program was
not simultaneous, for there were many areas where
the two services had common interests. In fact, the
Navy mentioned several, especially in the nose cone
recovery efforts. Moreover, Navy Special Project Office
asked its office at ABMA to determine the extent
40. Memo, DOD to JANBMC, 4 Apr 56, subj: OSD-BMC Action with Respect to the Navy Solid Propel Pro, Hist Off files
41. Memo, BuOrd, Dept of Navy, 4 Dec 56, subj: Mins of Staff Mtg- 27 Nov 56, Hist Off files.
42. JUP Chronology; Memo, DOD to JANBMC, 18 Dec 56, subj: Dissolution of JANBMC; Msg, COFORD to ABMA, 20 Dec 56,
subj: Org of ABMC, Hist Off files. .