HISTORY - Page 36
redirection could be made, if necessary. ABMA was
amenable to this task also, and the briefing was given.
Guidance was still not forthcoming.
When it appeared that no action would be taken as a
result of the June conference, ABMA, on 10 August,
forwarded a document to WDD containing what was
felt to be Air Force requirements for operations, GSE,
logistic support, and training. WDD was asked to
modify the documents as necessary, and confirm the
plan as Air Force requirements. No results came from
this action, for at the end of the month, WDD (now
called AFBMD) suspended all activity pertaining to the
JUPITER program pending a decision by DOD on the
over-all IRBM program. The JUPITER program appeared
to be in a very tenuous position; however, ABMA staff-
level planning was to continue in such areas as
operations, training, maintenance, and GSE
Termination Threat
As of April 1957, there were already indications that
one of the IRBM programs might be dropped. The Army
had previously placed its request to fund the program
between July and November, and OSD-BMC approved
the estimated costs in the amount of $35 million. The
committee pointed out that this action was consistent
with Mr. Wilson's decision to continue both IRBM
programs as far into 1957 as needed "in order to get a
feeling of confidence that one of the two land-based
IRBM programs will be successful" before dropping
either of the programs
45. Ref Book, Holifield Committee Hearings, Tab I, subj: ABMA Attempts to Obtain Guidance on
AF Opnl Rqmts & MC's for the IRBM, Hist Off files.
46. Memo, OSD to ABMC, 2 Apr 57, subj: FY 58 Fund Rqmts for the JUP Pro, Through 30 Nov 57,
Hist Off files.